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Technique: Yarn Painting pressed with special epoxy glue on a realistic resin and fiberglass sculpture.

◇ Dimensions: 42 x 30x 22 cm. - 16,5 x 11,8 x  x 8,6 in.

◇ Processing time: 7 days.

◇ Authorship: Sculpture studio by Matsoart and teacher Enrique Carrillo Montoya.

- Unique piece.
- Includes certificate of authenticity.


Sculpture commissioned by the visual artist Enrique Carrillo Montoya to the Matsoart sculpture workshop, born from the idea of ​​a seated cat with a mantle yarn painting for months of work pressed into active meditation by the visionary artist of the Wixárika community of Tatéi-kie.
*This piece travels in a professional packaging

Huchol Art : "Yarn Cat"

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